Remmi Franklin

 I started painting in grade school and continued in high school, hiding out in the art department. I upgraded my education going to Maryland Institute, College of Art in Baltimore, MD and trying as many disciplines as I could fit into my schedule. I expanded on my experience by doing an exchange program, going to California and was able to do glassblowing and see the west coast. I did miss the East Coast so headed back there and landed in Boston with my husband. We had three kids and I keep being involved in different forms of art. I designed lampshades, sets for the theater, logos, but then got my own studio and went back to doing my own art. I shared this studio with my adult daughter and all was great till she passed away. I worked on my art after that and at Apple to be around people and found my voice again. Every piece has me and a piece of paper that I believe was a part of my daughter's supplies so she and I continue together.

Studio 18A, Upper Level


Ore Metals Studio


Richard Trabucco